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Nature 长文综述:类脑智能与脉冲神经网络前沿

网友发布 2022-10-26 16:46 · 头闻号前沿领域

在人工智能如火如荼的今天,基于人脑的“脉冲”(spiking)模拟计算框架下的脉冲神经网络 (SNN)、神经形态计算(neuromorphic computing)有望在实现人工智能的同时,降低计算平台的能耗。这一跨学科领域以硅电路实现生物中的神经环路(circuit)为起点,现已发展到包括基于脉冲的编码以及事件驱动表示的算法的硬件实现。

2019 年 11 月 28 日,普渡大学的 Kaushik Roy、 Akhilesh Jaiswal 和 Priyadarshini Panda 在 Nature 发表长文综述,概述了神经形态计算在算法和硬件方面的发展,介绍了学习和硬件框架的原理。以及神经形态计算的主要挑战以及发展前景,算法和硬件的协同设计等方面的内容。本文是全文翻译。

原题:Towards spike-based machine intelligence with neuromorphic computing











人脑能够执行惊人的任务(例如,同时识别多个目标、推理、控制和移动),而能量消耗只有接近2瓦左右。相比之下,标准计算机仅识别1000种不同的物体就需要消耗250瓦的能量。尽管人脑尚未被探索穷尽,但从神经科学来看,人脑非凡的能力可归结于以下三个基本观察:广泛的连通性、结构和功能化的组织层次、以及时间依赖(time dependent)的神经元突触连接(图1a)。

神经元(Neurons)是人脑的计算原始元素,它通过离散动作电位(discrete action potentials)或“脉冲”交换和传递信息。突触(synapses)是记忆和学习的基本存储元素。人脑拥有数十亿个神经元网络,通过数万亿个突触相互连接。基于脉冲的时间处理机制使得稀疏而有效的信息在人脑中传递。研究还表明,灵长类动物的视觉系统由分层级的关联区域组成,这些关联区域逐渐将视觉对象的映像转化为一种具有鲁棒性的格式,从而促进了感知能力。



但是,使得“通用智能”(包括基于云服务器到边缘设备)无法实现的主要瓶颈是巨大的能耗和吞吐量需求。例如,在一个由典型的2.1Wh电池供能的嵌入式智能玻璃处理器(smart-glass processor)上运行深度网络,就会让处理器在25分钟内将电池消耗殆尽。









图4:尖峰网络中的全局和局部学习原理。a,在已知目标标签指导下进行全局学习,T用于分类任务。给定一个前馈网络,网络通过隐藏层单位A向前传播输入值X,并输出神经元激活值Y。结合非线性变换ƒ(Z1),使用输入的加权求和可以计算隐藏层的A,用矩阵符号表示为Z1 = W1 TX。输出以类似的方式进行计算。然后,用误差相对于权重(W1,W2)的导数E求出随后的权重更新。前向和反向传播的迭代导致学习。误差求导需要ƒ',这要求ƒ'是连续的。因此,基于脉冲的反向传播的规则近似LIF函数可微方案。基于时间信息的处理细节没有显示在这里。b,局部STDP数字分类无监督学习。给定一个两层拓扑结构,输入层与输出层的所有神经元完全连接,通过STDP学习突触连接。根据输入层和输出层神经元的尖峰时间差异进行权重调整。输入神经元在输出之前(或之后)激发,权重值将增加(或减小)。随着迭代在多个时间步长上进行训练,权重在初始化时随机赋值,通过训练它将学习对一类输入所示的样式进行通用表示的编码(在这种情况下为“ 0”,“ 1”和“ 2”)。这里,为了进行识别,目标标签是不需要的。




深度学习模型在长期学习时会出现灾难性遗忘现象。比如,学习过任务A的神经网络在学习任务B时,它会忘记学过的任务A,只记得B。如何在动态的环境中像人一样具备长期学习的能力成为了学术界关注的热点。这固然是深度学习研究的一个新的方向,但我们应该探究给SNN增加额外的时间维度是否有助于实现持续性学习型任务。另一个类似的任务就是,利用少量数据进行学习,这也是SNN能超过深度学习的领域。SNN中的无监督学习可以与提供少量数据的监督学习相结合,只使用一小部分标记的训练数据得到高效的训练结果[ 46,50,65 ]。


我们可以和神经科学的研究成果相结合,把这些抽象的结果应用到学习规则中,以此提高学习效率。例如,Masquelier等人[65]利用STDP和时间编码模拟视觉神经皮层,他们发现不同的神经元能学习到不同的特征,这一点类似于卷积层学到不同的特征。研究者把树突学习[66]和结构可塑性[67]结合起来,把树突的连接数做为一个超参数,以此为学习提供更多的可能。SNN领域的一项互补研究是LSM(liquid state machines)[68]。LSM利用的是未经训练、随机链接的递归网络框架,该网络对序列识别任务表现卓著[ 69–71]。但是在复杂的大规模任务上的表现能力仍然有待提高。




在20世纪80年代,晶体管发明了40年后,在生物神经系统领域,Carver Mead设想了"更智能"、“更高效”的硅基计算机结构[72,73]。他也表示过自己最初试图建立神经系统的尝试是“简单而愚蠢的”[74]。但是他的工作代表了计算硬件领域的一种新的范式。Mead并不在意AND、OR等布尔运算[74]。相反他利用金属氧化物硅(MOS)晶体管在亚阈值区的电气物理特性(电压-电流指数相关)来模拟指数神经元的动力学特征[72]。这样的设备-通路协同设计是神经形态计算中最有趣的领域之一。






异步地址事件表示(Asynchronous address event representation):首先,异步地址事件表示不同于传统的芯片设计,在传统的芯片设计中,所有的计算都按照全局时钟进行,但是因为SNN是稀疏的,仅当脉冲产生时才要进行计算,所以异步事件驱动的计算模式更加适合进行脉冲计算[89,90]。



晶体管尺寸规模的持续行缩小的现象被称之为摩尔定律[91],摩尔定律推动了CPU和GPU以及“超级大脑”芯片的不断发展。不过近些年,随着硅基晶体管接近物理极限,这一发展速度放缓[92]。为了适应现代人类对计算能力的不断提升,研究者们设计出了一种双管齐下的方法,使得“超冯·诺依曼”、“超硅”计算模型成为了可能,冯·诺依曼模型的一大特征就是,存储单元和运算单元的分离[93]。通过系统总线传输数据。因此,数据在高速的运算单元和低速的存储单元之间的频繁传输就成为了众所周知的“存储墙瓶颈”(memory wall bottleneck)。这一瓶颈限制了计算的吞吐和效率[94]。





模拟计算容易受到过程引起的变化和噪声的影响,并且由于模拟和数字转换设备的复杂性和精度要求,在面积和能耗方面就受到了很大限制。将芯片学习与紧密结合的模拟计算框架相结合,将使这类系统能够从根本上适应过程引起的变化,从而减轻对精度的影响。在过去[130,131]以及近期的可行性生物算法的研究[54]中,已经研究了以芯片上( on-chip)设备上(on-device)学习解决方案为重点的局部学习。本质上,无论是局部学习这种形式还是树突学习这种范式,我们都认为,更好的容错局部学习算法——即使是要学习额外的参数——将是推动模拟神经形态计算的关键所在。此外,芯片上学习的适应能力可在不降低目标精度的前提下,开发低成本的近似模数转换器。


作为模拟计算的一个实例,忆阻点积(Memristive dot products)是实现原位神经形态计算的一种有前景的方法。不幸的是,表示点积的忆阻阵列中产生的电流既有空间依赖性又有数据依赖性,这使得交叉开关电路分析成为一个非常复杂的问题。研究交叉开关电路非理想状态的影响[117,132,133],探索减轻点积不准确影响的训练方法的研究并不多[118,134]。而且,这些工作大部分集中在深度神经网络而不是SNN中。然而,我们可以合理地假设,在这些工作中开发出的基本器件和对电路的见解也能用于SNN的实现。现有的工作需要精致的的设备-通路模拟运行,必须与训练算法紧密耦合,以减少精度损失。我们认为,基于最新设备的交叉开关阵列的理论模型,以及为点积误差建立理论边界的努力,都将引起人们的关注。这将使算法设计者无需耗时、设计迭代设备-通路-算法模拟,就能探索新的训练算法,同时也能解决硬件不一致的问题。


随机SNN引起了人们极大的兴趣,这是因为新兴的设备本身具有随机性[135,136]。随机二进制SNN 的实现结果,大多数都集中在MNIST数字识别之类的小规模任务上[56]。这类工作的共同主题是使用随机STDP类的本地学习规则来生成权重更新。我们认为,即使在二元条件下,STDP学习中的时间维度权重更新提供了额外的带宽,是的整体朝着真确的方向前进(总体精度)。这种二元局部学习方案与基于梯度下降的大规模学习规则相结合,在利用了硬件随机性的同时,为高能效神经系统提供了有利的机会。



六、总 结






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75.NVIDIA Launches the World’s First Graphics Processing Unit GeForce 256. https://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_20020111_5424.html .

76.Nageswaran, J. M., Dutt, N., Krichmar, J. L., Nicolau, A. & Veidenbaum, A. V. A configurable simulation environment for the efficient simulation of large-scale spiking neural networks on graphics processors. Neural Netw. 22, 791–800 .

77.Fidjeland, A. K. & Shanahan, M. P. Accelerated simulation of spiking neural networks using GPUs. In Int. Joint. Conf. on Neural Networks 3041–3048 .

78.Davies, M. et al. Loihi: a neuromorphic manycore processor with on-chip learning. IEEE Micro 38, 82–99 .

79.Blouw, P., Choo, X., Hunsberger, E. & Eliasmith, C. Benchmarking keyword spotting efficiency on neuromorphic hardware. In Proc. 7th Annu. Neuro-inspired Computational Elements Workshop 1 .

80.Hsu, J. How IBM got brainlike efficiency from the TrueNorth chip. IEEE Spectrum https://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/hardware/how-ibm-got-brainlike-efficiency-from-the-truenorth-chip .

81.Khan, M. M. et al. SpiNNaker: mapping neural networks onto a massively parallel chip multiprocessor. In Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks 2849–2856 . This was one of the first works to implement a large-scale spiking neural network on hardware using event-driven computations and commercial processors.

82.Benjamin, B. V. et al. Neurogrid: a mixed-analog–digital multichip system for large-scale neural simulations. Proc. IEEE 102, 699–716 .

83.Schemmel, J. et al. A wafer-scale neuromorphic hardware system for large-scale neural modeling. In Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems 1947–1950 .

84.Merolla, P. A. et al. A million spiking-neuron integrated circuit with a scalable communication network and interface. Science 345, 668–673 . This work describes TrueNorth, the first digital custom-designed, large-scale neuromorphic processor, an outcome of the DARPA SyNAPSE programme; it was geared towards solving commercial applications through a digital neuromorphic implementation.

85.Furber, S. Large-scale neuromorphic computing systems. J. Neural Eng. 13, 051001 .

86.Qiao, N. et al. A reconfigurable on-line learning spiking neuromorphic processor comprising 256 neurons and 128k synapses. Front. Neurosci. 9, 141 .

87.Inperi, G. et al. Neuromorphic silicon neuron circuits. Front. Neurosci. 5, 73 .

88.Seo, J.-s. et al. A 45 nm CMOS neuromorphic chip with a scalable architecture for learning in networks of spiking neurons. In Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. 311–334 .

89.Boahen, K. A. Point-to-point connectivity between neuromorphic chips using address events. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II 47, 416–434 . This paper describes the fundamentals of address event representation and its application to neuromorphic systems.

90.Serrano-Gotarredona, R. et al. AER building blocks for multi-layer multi-chip neuromorphic vision systems. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Vol. 18 1217–1224 .

91.Moore, G. E. Cramming more components onto integrated circuits. Proc. IEEE 86, 82–85 .

92.Waldrop, M. M. The chips are down for Moore’s law. Nature 530, 144 .

93.von Neumann, J. First draft of a report on the EDVAC. IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 15, 27–75 .

94.Mahapatra, N. R. & Venkatrao, B. The processor–memory bottleneck: problems and solutions. Crossroads 5, 2 .

95.Gokhale, M., Holmes, B. & Iobst, K. Processing in memory: the Terasys massively parallel PIM array. Computer 28, 23–31 .

96.Elliott, D., Stumm, M., Snelgrove, W. M., Cojocaru, C. & McKenzie, R. Computational RAM: implementing processors in memory. IEEE Des. Test Comput. 16, 32–41 .

97.Ankit, A., Sengupta, A., Panda, P. & Roy, K. RESPARC: a reconfigurable and energy-efficient architecture with memristive crossbars for deep spiking neural networks. In Proc. 54th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Annual Design Automation Conf. 63.2 .

98.Bez, R. & Pirovano, A. Non-volatile memory technologies: emerging concepts and new materials. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 7, 349–355 .

99.Xue, C. J. et al. Emerging non-volatile memories: opportunities and challenges. In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis 325–334 .

100.Wong, H.-S. P. & Salahuddin, S. Memory leads the way to better computing. Nat. Nanotechnol. 10, 191 ; correction 10, 660 .

101.Chi, P. et al. Prime: a novel processing-in-memory architecture for neural network computation in ReRAM-based main memory. In Proc. 43rd Int. Symp. Computer Architecture 27–39 .

102.Shafiee, A. et al. ISAAC: a convolutional neural network accelerator with in-situ analog arithmetic in crossbars. In Proc. 43rd Int. Symp. Computer Architecture 14–26 .

103.Burr, G. W. et al. Neuromorphic computing using non-volatile memory. Adv. Phys. X 2, 89–124 .

104.Snider, G. S. Spike-timing-dependent learning in memristive nanodevices. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Nanoscale Architectures 85–92 .

105.Chua, L. Memristor—the missing circuit element. IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory 18, 507–519 . This was the first work to conceptualize memristors as fundamental passive circuit elements; they are currently being investigated as high-density storage devices through various emerging technologies for conventional general-purpose and neuromorphic computing architectures.

106.Strukov, D. B., Snider, G. S., Stewart, D. R. & Williams, R. S. The missing memristor found. Nature 453, 80–83 .

107.Waser, R., Dittmann, R., Staikov, G. & Szot, K. Redox-based resistive switching memories—nanoionic mechanisms, prospects, and challenges. Adv. Mater. 21, 2632–2663 .

108.Burr, G. W. et al. Recent progress in phase-change memory technology. IEEE J. Em. Sel. Top. Circuits Syst. 6, 146–162 .

109.Hosomi, M. et al. A novel nonvolatile memory with spin torque transfer magnetization switching: spin-RAM. In Int. Electron Devices Meeting 459–462 .

110.Ambrogio, S. et al. Statistical fluctuations in HfOx resistive-switching memory. Part I—set/reset variability. IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 61, 2912–2919 .

111.Fantini, A. et al. Intrinsic switching variability in HfO2 RRAM. In 5th Int. Memory Workshop 30–33 .

112.Merrikh-Bayat, F. et al. High-performance mixed-signal neurocomputing with nanoscale floating-gate memory cell arrays. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 29, 4782–4790 .

113.Ramakrishnan, S., Hasler, P. E. & Gordon, C. Floating-gate synapses with spike-time-dependent plasticity. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. 5, 244–252 .

114.Hasler, J. & Marr, H. B. Finding a roadmap to achieve large neuromorphic hardware systems. Front. Neurosci. 7, 118 .

115.Hasler, P. E., Diorio, C., Minch, B. A. & Mead, C. Single transistor learning synapses. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Vol. 7 817–824 . This was one of the first works to use a non-volatile memory device—specifically, a floating-gate transistor—as a synaptic element.

116.Holler, M., Tam, S., tro, H. & Benson, R. An electrically trainable artificial neural network with 10240 ‘floating gate’ synapses. In Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks Vol. 2, 191–196 .

117.Chen, P.-Y. et al. Technology–design co-optimization of resistive cross-point array for accelerating learning algorithms on chip. In Proc. Eur. Conf. on Design, Automation & Testing 854–859 .

118.Chakraborty, I., Roy, D. & Roy, K. Technology aware training in memristive neuromorphic systems for nonideal synaptic crossbars. IEEE Trans. Em. Top. Comput. Intell. 2, 335–344 .

119.Alibart, F., Gao, L., Hoskins, B. D. & Strukov, D. B. High precision tuning of state for memristive devices by adaptable variation-tolerant algorithm. Nanotechnology 23, 075201 .

120.Dong, Q. et al. A 4 + 2T SRAM for searching and in-memory computing with 0.3-V V DDmin. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 53, 1006–1015 .

121.Agrawal, A., Jaiswal, A., Lee, C. & Roy, K. X-SRAM: enabling in-memory Boolean computations in CMOS static random-access memories. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I 65, 4219–4232 .

122.Eckert, C. et al. Neural cache: bit-serial in-cache acceleration of deep neural networks. In Proc. 45th Ann. Int. Symp. Computer Architecture 383–396 .

123.Gonugondla, S. K., Kang, M. & Shanbhag, N. R. A variation-tolerant in-memory machine-learning classifier via on-chip training. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 53, 3163–3173 .

124.Biswas, A. & Chandrakasan, A. P. Conv-RAM: an energy-efficient SRAM with embedded convolution computation for low-power CNN-based machine learning applications. In Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. 488–490 .

125.Kang, M., Keel, M.-S., Shanbhag, N. R., Eilert, S. & Curewitz, K. An energy-efficient VLSI architecture for pattern recognition via deep embedding of computation in SRAM. In Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 8326–8330 .

126.Seshadri, V. et al. RowClone: fast and energy-efficient in-DRAM bulk data copy and initialization. In Proc. 46th Ann. IEEE/ACM Int. Symp. Microarchitecture 185–197 .

127.Prezioso, M. et al. Training and operation of an integrated neuromorphic network based on metal-oxide memristors. Nature 521, 61–64 .

128.Sebastian, A. et al. Temporal correlation detection using computational phase-change memory. Nat. Commun. 8, 1115 .

129.Jain, S., Ranjan, A., Roy, K. & Raghunathan, A. Computing in memory with spin-transfer torque magnetic RAM. IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst. 26, 470–483 .

130.Jabri, M. & Flower, B. Weight perturbation: an optimal architecture and learning technique for analog VLSI feedforward and recurrent multilayer networks. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 3, 154–157 .

131.Diorio, C., Hasler, P., Minch, B. A. & Mead, C. A. A floating-gate MOS learning array with locally computed weight updates. IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 44, 2281–2289 .

132.Bayat, F. M., Prezioso, M., Chakrabarti, B., Kataeva, I. & Strukov, D. Memristor-based perceptron classifier: increasing complexity and coping with imperfect hardware. In Proc. 36th Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design 549–554 .

133.Guo, X. et al. Fast, energy-efficient, robust, and reproducible mixed-signal neuromorphic classifier based on embedded NOR flash memory technology. In Int. Electron Devices Meeting 6.5 .

134.Liu, C., Hu, M., Strachan, J. P. & Li, H. Rescuing memristor-based neuromorphic design with high defects. In Proc. 54th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conf. 76.6 .

135.Tuma, T., Pantazi, A., Le Gallo, M., Sebastian, A. & Eleftheriou, E. Stochastic phase-change neurons. Nat. Nanotechnol. 11, 693–699 .

136.Fukushima, A. et al. Spin dice: a scalable truly random number generator based on spintronics. Appl. Phys. Express 7, 083001 .

137.Le Gallo, M. et al. Mixed-precision in-memory computing. Nature Electron. 1, 246 .

138.Krstic, M., Grass, E., Gürkaynak, F. K. & Vivet, P. Globally asynchronous, locally synchronous circuits: overview and outlook. IEEE Des. Test Comput. 24, 430–441 .

139.Choi, H. et al. An electrically modifiable synapse array of resistive switching memory. Nanotechnology 20, 345201 .

140.Serrano-Gotarredona, T., Masquelier, T., Prodromakis, T., Inperi, G. & Linares-Barranco, B. STDP and STDP variations with memristors for spiking neuromorphic learning systems. Front. Neurosci. 7, 2 .

141.Kuzum, D., Jeyasingh, R. G., Lee, B. & Wong, H.-S. P. Nanoelectronic programmable synapses based on phase change materials for brain-inspired computing. Nano Lett. 12, 2179–2186 .

142.Krzysteczko, P., Münchenberger, J., Schäfers, M., Reiss, G. & Thomas, A. The memristive magnetic tunnel junction as a nanoscopic synapse–neuron system. Adv. Mater. 24, 762–766 .

143.Vincent, A. F. et al. Spin-transfer torque magnetic memory as a stochastic memristive synapse for neuromorphic systems. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. 9, 166–174 .

144.Sengupta, A. & Roy, K. Encoding neural and synaptic functionalities in electron spin: a pathway to efficient neuromorphic computing. Appl. Phys. Rev. 4, 041105 .

145.Borghetti, J. et al. ‘Memristive’ switches enable ‘stateful’ logic operations via material implication. Nature 464, 873–876 .

146.Hu, M. et al. Dot-product engine for neuromorphic computing: programming 1T1M crossbar to accelerate matrix-vector multiplication. InProc. 53rd ACM/EDAC/IEEE Annual Design Automation Conf.21.1 .

147.Sheridan, P. M. et al. Sparse coding with memristor networks. Nat. Nanotechnol. 12, 784–789 .

148.Wright, C. D., Liu, Y., Kohary, K. I., Aziz, M. M. & Hicken, R. J. Arithmetic and biologically-inspired computing using phase-change materials. Adv. Mater. 23, 3408–3413 .

149.Le Gallo, M., Sebastian, A., Cherubini, G., Giefers, H. & Eleftheriou, E. Compressed sensing recovery using computational memory. In Int. Electron Devices Meeting 28.3.1 .

150.Rosenblatt, F. The perceptron: a probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain. Psychol. Rev. 65 386 .

151.Bi, G. Q. & Poo, M. M. Synaptic modifications in cultured hippocampal neurons: dependence on spike timing, synaptic strength, and postsynaptic cell type. J. Neurosci. 18, 10464–10472 .











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