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网友发布 2023-09-13 04:03 · 头闻号竞价资讯

Do you know the Internet?Network is a big benefits for people.Teachers sometimes check information of the assignment, nothing can be in the home, had to go to the library or bookstore to find information, sometimes spent the day time, does not necessarily have change all.On one occasion, the teacher let us check the butterfly valley information, I'm worried, because I heard that have never heard of the butterfly valley is where.I want to want to go, just come on in nanjing aunt help me to check on the computer the information about the butterfly valley.Less than half an hour, my aunt took the information sent by text mode, content is very rich.The first time I realized the benefit of the network.

Farmers can also use the computer, on one occasion, I saw a message in the newspaper, in Inner Mongolia has a local production of potatoes, because information can't open, kind of out of potatoes nobody wants, a year of hard out of all rotten potatoes in the field, local farmers are very poor, since have a computer, they through the network, the introduction of new varieties of potatoes, and their production information released on the Internet, when the potato harvest, and sold out, every family has increased revenue, many farmers have built their own homes.The role of the network really big ah!

Even my grandma and grandpa often surf the Internet, query and health knowledge, learning technology to cook.

Now ubiquitous social network, the network benefits are too big.

你知道网络吗? 网络对人们的好处很大。老师有时候会布置查资料的作业,家中没有东西可查,就只好去图书馆或书店找资料,有时花了一整天时间,也不一定找得全。有一次,老师让我们查蝴蝶谷的资料,我可急坏了,因为我连听说都没听说过蝴蝶谷是什么地方。我想来想去,只有拜托在南京的姨妈帮我在电脑上查一查有关蝴蝶谷的资料。不到半个小时,姨妈就把资料用短信方式发了过来,内容十分丰富。我第一次体会到网络的好处。

农民也可以用电脑,有一次 ,我在报纸上看到一则消息,内蒙古地区有个地方生产土豆,由于信息不通敞,种出来的土豆没人要,一年辛苦种出来的土豆全烂在地里,当地农民十分贫困,自从有了电脑后,他们通过网络,引进了新的土豆品种,而且把他们的生产信息在网上发布,当年,土豆大丰收,而且销售一空,家家都增加了收入,不少农民都盖了新房。网络的作用真大呀!


现在社会网络无处不在,网络好处实在太大了。 <收起


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