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网友发布 2023-05-30 18:13 · 头闻号竞价资讯

Product Specialist Powder XRDBruker AXS Inc, the world´s leading supplier of analytical X-ray instrumentation, is looking for a Product Specialist for Powder XRD to join our expanding team This postion will be responsible for our new D2 PHASER benchtop XRD system Applicants will have a solid background in X-ray Powder Diffraction with hands-on experience and excellent communication skills Candidates with experience in applications such as Phase ID, Quantitative Analysis, Indexing and Structure Determination are preferred Knowledge of Bruker instruments as well as TOPAS and EVA software is also a plus for this position

Job responsibilities include presenting the D2 PHASER to prospective customers and performing demonstrations of the system´s capabilities, running samples for prospective customers, and after system purchase, training the customer on system operation Responsibilities also include traveling to trade shows to demonstrate the system, as well as conducting presentations and posters regarding the system´s capabilities and new applications

This is a tremendous opportunity to work with first rate scientists on an excellent system with a world leader in analytical instrumentation If you are a graduating student we urge you to seriously consider this position If you are a professor, please query your students to see if they may be interested

Bruker AXS Inc offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package including health and dental insurance, flexible spending account, company sponsored life and disability insurance, 401 (k) plan with company matching components, and vacation and sick/personal days

Equal Opportunity Employer

If interested in this outstanding opportunity, please submit resume and salary requirements in confidence to:

Bruker AXS Inc, Lisa Neuenfeldt, Sr Human Resources Administrator, 5465 E Cheryl Pkwy, Madison, WI 53711, USA, Fax: +1 608 276 3014, lisaneuenfeldt@bruker-axscom


Installation & Customer Training Supervisor (m/f)Responsible for organizing, communicating, and leading regional customer support team as well as personally executing Bruker Nano Surfaces Business instrument installations and customer training in the most effective and efficient manner

Provides front line customer and internal field service support as required reporting to the Regional Customer Support Manager This includes receiving direct customer and internal field service communication through phone, e-mail, website, SAP database and processing these requests in the most effective and efficient manner

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

Organize, supervise, and lead the regional customer support team to deliver world class instrument installations and customer training This includes managing the entire interaction and execution from point of purchase order through customer acceptance including but not limited to:

Organization and execution of all installation and customer training within the assigned region

Effective pre-installation communication to optimally prepare the customer such that all environment and site space/facilities requirements are optimal for the instrument purchased

Effective pre-installation communication as to the timeline of the install, the specifications to be tested to qualify the instrument, the detailed agenda for the specific customer training, identification as to who is to be trained, students current skill level, alignment to customer’s expectation, and responding to all customer inquiries related to their instrument purchase through acceptance

Deliver timely instrument installations and ensure each instrument is installed ensuring peak performance the instrument and accessories

Deliver world class instrument & accessory training empowering the customer to leverage Bruker NSB instrument to maximum capability

Deliver pre-installation communication, on-site installation, and customer training ensuring optimal customer satisfaction

Execute post installation and customer training follow up to ensure optimal customer satisfaction through mechanisms such as direct phone contact and formal surveys

Organize, publish, and effectively communicate and take full ownership of the regional revenue recognition per BU goals as they pertain to Bruker NSB installation and customer final acceptances

Develop, monitor, and optimize processes that ensure tight process control leveraging standard Bruker NSB systems and processes with clear guidelines, metrics, reporting, and database management

Develop team through mentorship, 1:1 training, organized internal technical and soft skills training, and process compliance to enable team to deliver superior customer satisfaction in the most efficient and effective manner

Execute analysis and generates recommendations for manpower requirements and maintains high performance team through team development, maintaining world class standards, and recruiting and hiring top talent

Develop and maintain strong cross functional relationships including but not limited to sales, applications, product marketing, engineering, manufacturing, and management

Personally execute installations and customer training at world class levels thus leading by example

1st line customer contact through phone, e-mail, website, and SAP reporting

Take direction from the Regional Customer Support Manager

Conform at all times to Bruker and customer’s safety, cleanliness, and working protocol policies to maintain a safe and clean work environment

Complete standard operating procedures, projects and other documentations as required in a timely manner

Essential Functions:

50% Installation & customer training leadership and team development

50% Execution of installation & customer training

Additional Responsibilities:

Pre-sales support

Other duties as assigned

Physical/Environmental Requirements:

85% travel on short notice both domestically and international

Able to lift 40lb from floor to hip height

Able to work in a clean room environment

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

Ability to recruit, develop, and lead a team to peak performance

Solid theoretical understanding of physics to enable problem solving of complex system and application issues

Able to experiment, test, diagnose, troubleshoot complex cutting edge electro-mechanical and computerized systems using standard tools such as oscilloscope, multimeter, etc

Knowledge of Atomic Force Microscopy and associated applications

Excellent verbal and written communication and presentation skills with MS office proficiency

Ability to multitask & team player

Self-sufficient in computer/networking skills necessary to analyze logs, summarize data

Able to travel both domestically and internationally on short notice

Educational/Experience Requirements:

Minimum Bachelors of Science with 5years experience or Masters of Science, PhD preferred, in Engineering or Physics with preference to Electrical Engineering Other scientific degrees (MS minimum) will be considered

Laboratory experience highly desirable

Atomic Force Microscopy and associated applications

Training experience preferred

Have we raised your interest In this case we look forward to receive your job application, preferably by email to: nsbjobs@bruker-nanocom, Nano Surfaces Division, 112 Robin Hill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93117, USA, wwwbrukercom

PLEASE INCLUDE the position (Installation & Customer Training Supervisor), and the number (#2011-15SV) in the subject heading EOE Drug screening and background investigation are required as part of your employment process



高光谱遥感(hyperspectral remote sensing)又叫成像光谱遥感,是将成像技术和光谱技术相结合的多维信息获取技术。高光谱遥感器能够同时获取目标区域的二维几何空间信息与一维光谱信息,因此高光谱数据具有“图像立方体”的形式和结构,体现出“图谱合一”的特点和优势。高光谱图像中的每个像元记录着瞬时视场角内几十甚至上百个连续波段的光谱信息,其光谱分辨率在400—2500 nm波长范围内一般小于10 nm。将这些光谱信息作为波长的函数可以绘制一条完整而连续的光谱曲线,反映出能够区分不同物质的诊断性光谱特征,使得本来在宽波段多光谱遥感图像中不可探测的地物在高光谱遥感中能够被探测。








从空间到地面,高光谱成像技术在深空外星 探索 、地矿勘探、大气和水环境监测、战场侦察和评估等方面,都已经成为一种重要的探测手段,相信随着定标一致性和可靠性、成像实时性、装置小型化、轻质化水平的进步,高光谱成像技术将会迎来更广阔的应用空间。


莱森光学- iSpecHyper-VM系列无人机机载高光谱成像系统



莱森光学-多旋翼无人机高光谱成像系统与大疆M600 pro/M300RTK无人机完美适配,支持同类型的多种无人机;系统支持配件升级及定制化开发,为教育科研、智慧农业、林业调查、水环境监测、目标识别、军事反伪装等行业高端应用领域提供高性能解决方案。

莱森光学- iSpecHyper-VS系列高光谱成像相机/便携式高光谱成像系统http://wwwlisenopticscn/

莱森光学-iSpecHyper-VS系列高光谱成像相机是莱森光学(LiSen Optics)专门用于公安刑侦、物证鉴定、精准农业、矿物地质勘探等领域的最新产品,主要优势具有体积小、帧率高、独有高光通量分光设计、信噪比灵敏度高、大靶面探测器、高像质等特点。iSpecHyper-VS采用了透射光栅外置推扫或内置原理高光谱成像,系统集成高性能数据采集与分析处理系统,高速接口传输,全靶面高成像质量光学设计 ,物镜接口为标准C-Mount,可根据用户需求更换物镜。iSpecHyper-VS系列高光谱成像相机,广泛应用于公安刑侦、物证鉴定、精准农林、遥感遥测、 工业检测、 医学医疗、采矿勘探等各领域。




高性能CMOS/CCD/InGaAs(TE Cooled)图像传感器,数据格式支持ENVI,支持多区域ROI





莱森光学- iSpecField-系列手持式/便携式地物光谱仪

莱森光学-iSpecField系列地物光谱仪是莱森光学(LiSen Optics)专门用于野外遥感测量、土壤环境、矿物地质勘探等领域的最新明星产品,由于其操作灵活、便携方便、光谱测试速度快、光谱数据准确是一款真正意义上便携式地物光谱仪。iSpecField系列地物光谱仪光谱范围250-1100nm/250-1700nm/250-2500nm,采用了工业级触控显示屏手柄探头,手柄探头同时采用了独有光学设计内置摄像头(相机)、GPS、激光指示器、内置光学快门控制,同时地物光谱仪主机与工业级触控显示屏手柄探头一体化设计,可野外现场直接进行地物光谱操作测量,野外操作更加便捷方便,非常适合复杂的野外地物光谱测量。






内置 800万像素自动对焦摄像头(相机)、GPS、激光指示器、内置光学快门控制





莱森光学(深圳)有限公司是一家提供光机电一体化集成解决方案的高 科技 公司,我们专注于光谱传感和光电应用系统的研发、生产和销售。







英文名称:quantum optics 量子光学是以辐射的量子理论研究光的产生、传输、检测及光与物质相互作用的学科。1900年普朗克在研究黑体辐射时,为了从理论上推导出得到的与实际相符甚好的经验公式,他大胆地提出了与经典概念迥然不同的假设,即“组成黑体的振子的能量不能连续变化,只能取一份份的分立值”。 1905年,爱因斯坦在研究光电效应时推广了普朗克的上述量子论,进而提出了光子的概念。他认为光能并不像电磁波理论所描述的那样分布在波阵面上,而是集中在所谓光子的微粒上。在光电效应中,当光子照射到金属表面时,一次为金属中的电子全部吸收,而无需电磁理论所预计的那种累积能量的时间,电子把这能量的一部分用于克服金属表面对它的吸力即作逸出功,余下的就变成电子离开金属表面后的动能。 这种从光子的性质出发,来研究光与物质相互作用的学科即为量子光学。它的基础主要是量子力学和量子电动力学。 光的这种既表现出波动性又具有粒子性的现象既为光的波粒二象性。后来的研究从理论和实验上无可争辩地证明了:非但光有这种两重性,世界的所有物质,包括电子、质子、中子和原子以及所有的宏观事物,也都有与其本身质量和速度相联系的波动的特性。


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