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网友发布 2023-05-12 03:16 · 头闻号职场百科




  1. 后部,后面
  2. 末尾
  3. 背脊,脊
  4. 靠背
  5. 后卫,后卫球员
  6. 椅背
  7. 反面,里面
  8. 体力
  9. 【造船】(船的)龙骨
  10. 衬垫
  11. 底座
  1. 向后
  2. 以前,从前
  3. 回原处,在原处
  4. 归,还
  5. 退,倒,后退地
  6. 追溯,往回
  7. 止住
  8. 延缓
  9. 回,返
  10. 回复原状
  11. 在后面
  12. 向背面
  13. 回头
  1. 偏僻的
  2. 过去的
  3. 到期未付的,拖欠的
  4. 向后的,向后动的
  5. 过期的
  6. 【语】舌根音的
  7. 后部的,背部的,后面的
  8. 边远的,边陲的
  9. 回程的
  10. 逆的
  11. 落后的
  1. 后退,倒退,退后
  2. 支持
  3. 打赌,下睹注于
  4. 使倒退,使后退
  5. 援助,赞助,帮助,资助
  6. 裱褙,裱(画)
  7. 背书
  8. 避免(做讨厌的事)
  9. 放弃
  10. 逆行
  11. 反(时针)转
  12. 来来去去,翻来覆去
  13. 给...装背衬,给...加衬里,作…的衬里
  14. 装上(椅)背
  15. 作的背景
  16. 给...做后援
  17. 怂恿
  18. 【海】(风)逆时针转向
  19. 伴奏,伴奏
  20. 在…背后加固
  21. 位于(某物)的后面,站在后面
  22. 衬托
  23. 背朝
  24. 由于对手的差错而进入(有利地位)
  1. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine;

    "his back was nicely tanned"

  2. the side that goes last or is not normally seen;

    "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"

  3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer;

    "he stood at the back of the stage"
    "it was hidden in the rear of the store"

  4. (football) a person who plays in the backfield
  5. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord;

    "the fall broke his back"

  6. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book;

    "the book had a leather binding"

  7. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body;

    "they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back"

  8. a support that you can lean against while sitting;

    "the back of the dental chair was adjustable"

  9. (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage
  1. related to or located at the back;

    "the back yard"
    "the back entrance"

  2. located at or near the back of an animal;

    "back (or hind) legs"
    "the hinder part of a carcass"

  3. of an earlier date;

    "back issues of the magazine"

  1. in or to or toward a former location;

    "she went back to her parents' house"

  2. at or to or toward the back or rear;

    "he moved back"
    "tripped when he stepped backward"
    "she looked rearward out the window of the car"

  3. in or to or toward an original condition;

    "he went back to sleep"

  4. in or to or toward a past time;

    "set the clocks back an hour"
    "never look back"
    "lovers of the past looking fondly backward"

  5. in reply;

    "he wrote back three days later"

  6. in repayment or retaliation;

    "we paid back everything we had borrowed"
    "he hit me and I hit him back"
    "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher"

  1. be behind; approve of;

    "He plumped for the Labor Party"
    "I backed Kennedy in 1960"

  2. travel backward;

    "back into the driveway"
    "The car backed up and hit the tree"

  3. give support or one's approval to;

    "I'll second that motion"
    "I can't back this plan"
    "endorse a new project"

  4. cause to travel backward;

    "back the car into the parking spot"

  5. support financial backing for;

    "back this enterprise"

  6. be in back of;

    "My garage backs their yard"

  7. place a bet on;

    "Which horse are you backing?"
    "I'm betting on the new horse"

  8. shift to a counterclockwise direction;

    "the wind backed"

  9. establish as valid or genuine;

    "Can you back up your claims?"

  10. strengthen by providing with a back or backing


1. 背:记法:后背(back)缺少了脊梁骨大头钉(tack)来代. wack n.怪人 W的形状像翅膀. 记法:后背(back)长翅膀(W)的人不是圣人就是怪人(wack). 故事串联:墨水当水喝,我想(think)是胡说,喝完墨水去滑冰(ice),一不注意(notice)落水中,

2. 后 方:以下是它的特性:5.第一步移动离身体远些同时加些压力入地板,保留一些重心在支撑脚,在第一步即将结束时脚尖稍转向外,这一步可移动向前(Forward)、斜前(Diagonal Forward)、旁边(Sideways)、斜后(DiagonallyBack)和后方(Back).

Three people can sit in the back of this car.


It encouraged him to talk because his back had stiffened in the night and it hurt truly now.


You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.


John plays back in the team.


I'll back you up no matter what's happening.


I found no evidence to back your interpretation.


You'll have to back the car up into the garage.


He refused to back away from his position.


Slacken your legs and slowly lie back.

放松双腿, 慢慢向后躺下。

Stand back! You're stepping on my toes.


The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump.


I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday.


    支持 support
    在内心中 in one's thoughts, but without being of immediate or central concern
    处于绝境 in difficulties with no retreat
    背靠背 back against back
    前后颠倒 with the back placed where the front should be
    一切从头再来 restarting from the beginning
    取笑〔烦扰〕某人 annoy, hinder or persecute sb
    背着某人 without sb's knowledge or consent
    解决了最艰难的部分 finish the more or most difficult part of sth
    找某人的麻烦 persecute sb
    难看的,丑陋的 ugly
    熟悉 intimately
    对…表示赞扬 praise
    pat sb/oneself on the back

    It can be very embarrassing to have to listen to someone patting you on the back in public.


    Her performance wasn't so wonderful—I don't know what cause she has to pat herself on the back.


    The first minutes of his speech consisted mainly of patting himself on the back.


    竭尽全力 make a strenuous effort
    纠缠 be in a tangle
    背弃 abandon; deliberately ignore
    为了与己方便而给某人以方便; 投之以桃,报之以李 you do me a favour and I will do you one in return
    不愿考虑 be unwilling to consider an idea
    back away

    The crowd backed away to let the wounded man pass through.


    back away from sth

    The child backed away from the fierce dog.


    back away from sth

    I could see she was backing away from the idea.


    退让,退回去,撤销(要求等) accept defeat in an argument, opinion, or claim; admit that one was wrong
    back down

    I saw that she was right, so I had to back down.


    (使)倒进… (cause to) move back into sth
    back into sth

    Be careful when you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow.


    back sth into sth

    Next you must learn how to back a car into a parking space.


    后面是,背靠着 be near to or have at the back
    back onto sth

    Our house backs onto a piece of woodland.


    We chose this house because the garden backs onto the tennis courts.


    不遵守(诺言、合同等),改变主意 fail to fulfil a promise, contract, etc.; change an idea
    back out

    I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.


    Please don't try to back out now that everything's been arranged.


    You said you would go; you can't back out now.


    back out of sth

    He would like to back out of the contract, but we can't allow it.


    复制 make a copy of
    back sb/sth ⇔ up

    The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up.


    He backed up his arguments with facts.


    back sth ⇔ up

    The flood water from the storm backed up the pipes.


    back up

    You'll have to back up and turn around.


    back sth ⇔ up

    Make sure you back up the disk before you turn the computer off.


    居于次要的地位; 知趣靠边 adopt an inconspicuous position or role
    走后门,通过不正当的秘密途径 in an unofficial way; indirectly
    来回地 from one place to another and back again repeatedly
    报复have one's revenge
    往返,来回 to a place and back again
  • 这两个短语的意思相近,都是“在…后面”的意思。其区别在于:
  • 1.at the back of指在某地方之外的后面部分; in the back of的意思是指在某地方之内的后面部分。
  • 2.at the back of也可引申为“支持”“在…印象中”,而in the back of没有此义。
  • 两者不同义,前者含有轻蔑的感情色彩,而后者没有这种色彩。例如:
  • In the old society, the rich always turned their back on the poor.在旧社会,富人总是瞧不起穷人。
  • But Jack has turned his back to the trouble over it.可杰克并不把这件麻烦事放在心里。
  • Stand back, please.
  • 请往后站。
  • Stand behind, please.
  • 请在后面站着。
  • We all wish to see her back.
  • 我们都希望见到她回来。
  • We all wish to see the back of her.
  • 我们都希望她快点离开。
  • 前者用于直义,后者则含有“巴不得离去”的意味。
  • v.(动词)
  • 这两个短语的共同意思是“后退”,一般说可以互换,特别是指“因害怕而后退”。而在表示“后退(让出地方)”时,含义略有差异, back away强调目的,即“为让出地方而后退”,而back off则强调结果,即“因后退而让出了地方”。
  • 这两个短语的共同意思是“放弃论点、观点或权利”,其差别在于back off主要用于美式英语。
  • 这两个短语都有“言而无信”之意。其区别在于:
  • 1.back out指主体违背或撤销其过去一度许下的诺言,或从所承担的义务、所参与的计划中撤出来;而go back on仅指“食言”,即说话不算数。
  • 2.back out后可接of或from短语说明失信的具体内容;go back on后可接to短语或动词不定式说明具体的对象。
  • 3.go back on直接接sb时往往含“不忠”或“出卖”的意思,而back out无此意义及用法。
  • 这组词的共同意思是“支持”。它们的区别在于:back多指给予物质或道义上的资助,有“作后台”的意味; support指支撑重量或作为支柱或给予需要的力量,以防某人或某物跌倒或陷下; 而champion则指支持他人或某项运动而去奋斗、辩论或演说。例如:
  • Don't worry. I will back you up.不要忧虑,我支持你。
  • The teammates supported the injured player.队友扶着那受伤的球员。
  • We champion a just cause.我们支持正义的事业。
  • adv.(副词)
  • 这两个词都有“向…后;在…后”之意,表示方向时可互换。其区别在于:back侧重于方向或原始位置或状态的恢复;而backwards则侧重于动作进行的方式。
  • 这两个词都有“在…之后”的意思。其区别在于:behind是介词,指在某物或某时间之后; back是副词,与另外的物〔时间〕无关。例如:
  • But communications were back to normal this morning.但是今天上午通讯恢复了正常。
  • I want no monkey business behind my back.我不准任何人背着我捣鬼。
  • 这组词(组)都可表示“回去”。其区别是:
  • return与其他词相比有些书卷气; come back的意思是“回归”“回来”,指回到说话人所在的地方; go back指回到出发点,是一种非正式说法,常用于口语中; get back是回到原来的出发点; be back意为“回来了”,表示状态,是日常应用最广的非正式说法。例如:
  • Did Duff come back?—Yes, he came back.达夫回来了吗?是的,他回来了。
  • Now let's go back to the beginning of the page.现在让我们回到这页的开头。
  • When he got back, he found that supper was over.当他回来的时候,他发现晚餐已经结束了。
  • I'll be back next Saturday.我将在下个星期六回来。
  • 这组短语都有“回忆起”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.在含意上,bring back指从现在的事物中引起对过去事情的回忆,含触景生情之意,主语是人时意为“记起;想起”,主语为事物时意为“使想起”;come back to和think back指“回忆起”某事物;call to mind主语是人时意为“记起;想起”,主语为事物时意为“使想起”;call up的含意与bring back相同,但主语通常为事物,不指人。
  • 2.在用法上,bring back通常用memory作宾语;come back多用被想起的事物或it作主语,to后接表人的词或mind, memory等与记忆有关的词作宾语表示“回忆起”某事物;think back的主语多指人,如指事物则常与make作补语,back后常接“to〔on〕+被想起的事物”;call to mind不用于被动结构,其中的call为及物动词,其宾语多置于mind之后,mind可有物主代词修饰。
  • 这组短语都指“追溯到”过去某时、某时期或过去发生的某事的意思。其区别是:
  • date back to指“始于,追溯到”,强调某事物开始的时间,一般不用被动结构,常用一般时;go back to和run back to意思相同,但run back to少用,均多指友谊、家事的起源,强调从现在起回到过去开始的某一时期;trace back to与go back to, run back to意思相近,但更强调追根溯源。
  • 这组短语都有“推迟;延迟”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.从含意上说,hold back和keep back都表示“推迟”某事的进行或某人做某事,强调比通常或预定的时间要晚;put back和set back都指某事因某种原因而“被推迟”进行。
  • 2.从用法上说,hold的宾语可以是人,也可以是物,可用于被动结构;put back和set back后可加to短语指被延期到未来的某时候进行,一般用被动结构。
  • 这些词均有“在后,向后”之意。
  • back作为副词或形容词时,强调所修饰物的位置以及动作运动方向。
  • backward可用于人或物,指向后的,落后的或迟钝的。
  • hind指成对并且分前后的东西的“后面的”。
  • behind指一物同它物相对的位置或场所。
  • 这些动词均有“支持,支援,拥护”之意。
  • back通常指对论点、行动、事业等的强有力支持。
  • uphold既可指积极努力对陷入困境者的支持,也可指给某人在行动、道义或信仰上的支持。
  • support含义广泛,多指在道义上或物质上支持某人,也可指对某项事业的支持。
  • sustain侧重指连续不断的支持。
  • advocate多指通过写文章或发表演说等来支持或拥护,往往暗示提倡某事或为某事辩护。
  • rear、behind、hind、backwards、backbone、spine、vertebrae、support、recede、reverse、backward、vertebral column、spinal column、back up、spinal、encourage、sponsor、succour、help、sustain、second、patronize、boost、favour、aid、assist、abet、uphold、subsidize、promote、countenance、maintain、bolster、certify、validate、corroborate、attest、go、end、buttocks、stern、substantiate、heel、rump、/confirm/i、to、backside、breech、hind-quarters、fundament、posterior、return、rebound、tail end、ebb、retrogress、recoil、backtrack、retrocede、retreat、revert、tail、regress、bat、go to bat for、for、stand、stand behind、hinder、back down、endorse、down、indorse、go backwards、turn tail、prior、ago、backrest、since、rachis、binding、punt、heretofore、stake、back、turn、rearward、plump for、removed、bygone、dorsum、gage、distant、remote、former、past、obsolete、plunk for、earlier、faraway、the、cover、dated、secluded、elapsed、out-of-the-way、late、outermost、hindmost、last、bet on、game、previous、rural、rearwards、advocate、side、guarantee、finance、ridge、befriend、favor、insure、early、or、forward、ward、forwards

    face、front、stomach、fore、head、advance、approach、assist、help、stand by、support、delayed、earlier、elapsed、former、outdated、overdue、past、previous、prior




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