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网友发布 2023-07-19 16:30 · 头闻号教育培训


 1. Brother and Sister usually get along very well. They take turns with the bathroom. They say "please" and "thank you" at breakfast.


 2. They often sit together on the school bus. And after school they work together to build a big toy: their own tree house.


 3. But one morning Brother and Sister don't get along well! Sister Bear opens her eyes and sits up. Her legs hang over Brother Bear's face. Brother is not happy.


 4. "Sister!" he shouts. "Get your stupid feet away!" "My feet aren't stupid!" she shouts back.


 5. "Get your stupid face away!" shouts Brother. "You shut up!"


 6. Sister runs into the bathroom. She stays in the bathroom for a very long time. She brushes her teeth, washes up, and brushes her hair very slowly.


 7. "You come out of that bathroom!" shouts Brother. He bangs on the door.


 8. Papa comes out of his bedroom. "Brother Bear, don't shout at your sister," he says. "But she's not coming out. She does it on purpose!"


 9. Just then, the door opens. Sister comes out happily. "Good morning, Papa," she says. It makes Brother so angry! What will he do?



 1. Hi! My name is Harry. I live with my family in this cave. I like to make new things.


 2. This is Chief Grump. He is always mad about something. Tomorrow is his birthday. Maybe my present can make him happy. Wow! I have never seen anything like it!

 这是Chief Grump。他经常发火。明天是他的生日。大概我的礼物会让他开心吧。哇!我从没见过像它这么棒的礼物。

 3. It's time for Chief Grump's party. He gets lots of presents. A rock, some wood, a fish and a bone. Chief Grump says, "I do not want these!" He throws them down the hill.

 是Chief Grump生日宴会的时间了。他说,?我不想要什么生日宴!?他把所有的东西扔下了山。

 4. Now Chief Grump opens my present. "What does it do?" Everyone looks at my new thing. But no one can guess what it does. Not even me.

 然后Chief Grump打开了我的礼物。?这是用来干嘛的所有人都看着我的新发明。但是没人能猜出这是个什么东西。就连我自己也不知道。

 5. Chief Grump says, "It does not do anything!" He kicks it down the hill. Hey! Now I know what this new thing does. It rolls!

 Chief Grump说,?它什么用处也没有!?他把它踢下了山。嗨!我终于知道了这个新发明的用处了。它可以滚!

 6. I take it back. I put something here. I add something there. Maybe Chief Grump will like it now. I tell him, "Sit here. Put your feet there." I give him a push.

 我把它拿回来。我在上面放了些东西。又添置了些东西。可能Chief Grump现在就会喜欢它了。我告诉他说,?请坐。把您的脚放在上面。?我推了他一下。

 7. Look! I make something really new. And I make Chief Grump smile!

 瞧!我真的发明了新玩意。我让Chief Grump笑了。


 1. Welcome to Bear Country! Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears -- Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Small Bear.


 2. They live in a big tree. It is a very fine house. There is a big kitchen, a sitting room and two bedrooms.


 3. It is fun growing up in Bear Country. Small Bear helps Papa get honey from the old bee tree.


 4. He also helps Mama bring the vegetables in from the garden.


 5. There are all sorts of interesting things for Small Bear to do and see in Bear Country.


 On Monday, he runs after a beautiful butterfly.


 On Tuesday, he goes fishing for a big salmon.


 On Wednesday, he talks with a spider after a rain.


 On Thursday, he dives into the small pond and meets two small fish.


 On Friday, he climbs up a tree and watches the full moon.


 On Saturday, he races a frog and goes boating.


 On Sunday, he flies his favourite kite on the hill.



 ①Papa, Mama, Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend. There is a house for them to stay in.


 ②"Let's put on swimming suits and go into the water!" says Brother. "Wait, we must clean up, room by room!" says Mama.


 ③After that, Brother and Sister set out for the sea. Mama stops them and says, "Wait, there are things to carry, beds to make and clothes to clean."


 ④After that, Sister says, "It's time for swimming!" But Mama says, "Wait, it's time for us to eat something."


 ⑤After that, Sister asks, "Mama, can we go swimming now?" Mama says, "Dears, it's much too soon after food. It will be bad for your health."


 ⑥"It's long after lunch. Can we swim now? It's getting late in the afternoon!" says Brother. "Wait, my dears. Let'sput on some lotion." Says Mama.



 ⑦Now it's time for swimming! Brother and Sister run to the sea. "Wait!" shouts Papa. "But, Papa, will we never swim in the sea?" ask Brother and Sister. "Relax, I just wanted you to wait for me!" says Papa.


 ⑧The sea is fun! The sea is great! It's worth the wait!



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