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网友发布 2023-07-07 18:57 · 头闻号教育培训



 Clerk:Can I help you?

 Susan:I?d like the Double Cheese Burger Meal, please。

 Clerk:What kind of drink would you like with that?

 Susan:Just a Coke will be fine。

 Clerk:Would you like to supersize your meal? For only 2 RMB more, you?ll get a large Coke and fries instead of the medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes。

 Susan:That sounds good. Thanks. I?d like that. Actually I?d like a Sprite instead of a Coke. Thanks。

 Clerk:That?s not a problem, Miss. Will that be it?

 Susan:Yes, that?s all。

 Clerk:That?ll be twenty-five RMB, please。

 Susan:You got it。


 Waitress:Welcome. How may I help you today?

 Martin:I?m after a pizza, please。

 Waitress:Then you?ll be happy to hear that today all our pizzas are on sale, 2-for-1.

 Martin:You?re right. That is great!

 Waitress:What size would you like?

 Martin:A medium one would be perfect. Thank you。

 Waitress:Which kind do you want?

 Martin:I like seafood on my pizza。

 Waitress:We have two seafood pizzas ?tuna and crab。

 Martin:Tuna sounds good today。

 Waitress:Will that be for here or takeaway?

 Martin:That will be to go。

 Waitress:That should only be about 10 minutes, please sit over there and I will call you over as soon as it?s ready。

 Martin:No problem。


 Dining at a Western Restaurant

 Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma?am?

 May:Yes, please. I?d like the steak and mushrooms。

 Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done?

 May:I?d like it well-done, please。

 Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashed, boiled or baked?

 May:I think I?ll have baked potatoes. And I?ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。

 Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start with?

 May:I?d like a cream and onion soup, please。

 Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma?am?

 May:I want to skip dessert. That?s all. Thank you。

 Waiter:OK. I?ll be with you in a moment。


 日常英语口语对话:local snacks

 Dialogue One

 W:I'm hungry,let's go to the snack bar.

 M:OK, what new usual food do you want to try?

 W:I'm going to try gartergater.

 M:What's that?

 W:It's a kind of rice ball that make of Malaysia, what about you?

 M:I don't know, I don't knowwhat most food here is.

 W:Do you want noodles, vegetables, rice, meat ,seafood, bean or dessert.

 M:I'd like to have some vegetables first.

 W:Have you ever tryed tempera?

 M:No, what is it?

 W:It's deep fryed vegetables which is ing in Japan.

 M:What do you use to eat it?

 W:Most people eat tempera with chopsticks, but you can use fork if you don't know how to use chopsticks.

 M:That sounds good, do you know here serve any vegetables dishes that spicy?

 W:Let me think, you could get vegetable Indian or Thaicurry.

 M:I'll try all of those, how do know so much about international food?

 W:I used to buy lunche everyday for international food stores at school, everyday is an inventure.

 Dialogue Two

 M:It's time for desserts, are you still hungry?

 W:I've always got real to something sweet.

 M:What are you going to try first?

 W:I've never tryed traditional Greek yoghurt, so I want to try that first.

 M:Is this yoghurt with anything?

 W:I believe that locally prejuce honey to it.

 M:That sounds good, I'm going to start with the Italian tilmisue.

 W:Do you want to try some my yoghurt, It's a favor everyday dessert in Greece.


 W:What do you think, how does it taste?

 M:It's nice, but it's rather plain, do you want to try my tilmisue?

 W:Sure, I'll just buy it.

 M:What do you think, does it taste good?

 W:It's absolutely delicious, that's the best tilmisue I've had.

 M:I'm glad you like it, I don't care for it, when I to finish my tilmisue, that I can try one of those fryed bananas.

 W:OK, I've had ones before, they are very sweet.

 M:Do you know where are they from?

 W:I believe that the local garlic in the south.

 M:Do you want me to get you want to?

 W:Yeah, why not, we vert the pig does it is.

 M:OK, I'll be back with two try bananas in few minutes, wait for me here.

 日常英语口语对话:How about Game

 Dialogue One

 W:Do you like playing games?

 M:I like playing puter games, but I'm not reall into ball games.

 W:How about individual games? Like the lubiscub ball solertale.

 M:The lubiscub is so difficult to solve, that I think that it should be binded.

 W:If I told you had do it, I'm sure you could solve it.

 M:How do you figure out how to solve the lubiscub?

 W:I didn't really have to figure out, I just follow the instructions.

 M:I have no idea that I've set the instructions, I thought everyone could solve it without geniuses.

 W:Hints are really important when you are solving pazzles, if you give me some hints about playing that PSTWO game, I'll show you how to solve the lubiscub.

 M:It's a deal.

 W:Do you remember years ago when everyone at the New Year's party had yo-yos?

 M:Yeah, that was a strange party, can you still do any of those yo-yo tricks?

 W:I don't know, I haven't tryed to yo-yo since that party.

 M:I can't never figure out how to use my yo-yo.

 W:If you don't start when you were young, it's hard to get hand of it.

 M:Let's start with this game then.


 Dialogue Two

 M:What are you doing?

 W:I'm just trying to plete today's crossword pazzle, when I ever get time I like to do the crossword pazzles in the paper.

 M:You really like brain that makes you think, don't you?

 W:I guess you could say that, what kind of games do you like?

 M:I guess the games I like most is the ones I'm good at.

 W:Does everyone? Which game of those?

 M:Well, I like to play darts when I ever go to a bar, I usually play it for few hours.

 W:Did you play a lot of games when you were little?

 M:My parents used to love to play checks and dominals, we used to have a family entertainment at every weekend.

 W:Do you still like playing those games?

 M:Not at all, I never really did it to be honest, what about you, did your family used to play games together?

 W:Everyone in my family really enjoys playing card games.

 M:Some of my friends play cards on the internet, have you ever tryed that?

 W:No, I prefer to play with people I know.

 M:How about majiang?

 W:It's a popular game with some people, but I've never played it.

 M:I thought everyone in your country are experts at majiang.

 W:I hate to disapoint you, but I unlike most people think, we aren't exactly the same.

 日常英语口语对话:Pets Will Never Leave You

 Dialogue One

 W:Do you like animal?

 M:Yes,doesn't everyone?

 W:What's your favorite animal?

 M:It's hard to say, well, dogs are affectionate, cats are much easier to take care of.

 W:Have you ever had a dog?

 M:When I was little, we had a few dogs at home.

 W:They always say dogs are men's best friends, do you think that's true?

 M:Definitely, which your poor dogs always love their master.

 W:How about cats, have you ever had one for a pet?

 M:I had one a few months ago, but she ended up running away.

 W:How did that happen?

 M:She left through window that was open one night, and never returned.

 W:You must been deverstayed at it.

 M:I was pretty sad, I still hope that she returns someday.

 W:I hope she does, did you think you'll get another pet?

 M:I think i will, It's difficult to feel lovely when you have a pet around.

 W:I hope your cat find it's way back home.

 M:I do, too.

 Dialogue Two

 M:Is that your rabbit?

 W:Yes, I just doctor her from human's society this weekend.

 M:That's good of you, why did you decide to get a rabbit?

 W:Well, I want to get a pet woundn't disturb the neighbours, at the same time, I want a pet that would be affectionate.

 M:Rabbits aren't usually that affectionate, are they?

 W:If you caluo them a lot when they were very young, they can just be as affectionate as dogs or cats.

 M:I didn't know, are rabbits difficult to take care of?

 W:Not really, I went to the veterinary to get her vaccinated, and she taught me all I need to do, with to make sure trim it's nails time to time, give her food and water, and clean it's cage.

 M:That sounds pretty easy, do rabbits make your house *** ell?

 W:No, rabbits aren't very stinky, as long as you clean the cage on the regular basis, it's not too bad.

 M:Can you train a rabbit to do things?

 W:You can't train them like you can train dogs, but you can train them to do some things, for example, you can train them to go to the bathroom, in a special rabbit toilet.

 M:That's amazing, has she bited you yet?

 W:Not yet, she is pretty tame, I think she must used to being around lots of different people.


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