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网友发布 2023-05-20 00:42 · 头闻号影视娱乐

我确定是 Cheat Codes 、Kris Kross Amsterdam 合作的《Sex》,下面是歌词,你搜来听听看是不是这首


演唱:Cheat Codes 、Kris Kross Amsterdam

That was unforgettable I wanna do it again

You're crazy like an animal and I don't want it to end

Tell me all your dreams and darkest fantasies

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex

That was unbelievable I wanna do it again

I'll eat you like a cannibal you're sweet like cinnamon

Tell me all your dreams and darkest fantasies

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex

Any way you want it, you can have it talk about sex, baby

Do it on the counter, we'll love for hours let's talk about sex

Any way you want it, you can have it talk about sex, baby

Do it on the counter, we'll love for hours let's talk about sex,baby

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be

Let's talk about sex



这个舞蹈是比较性感的,而且这个舞蹈都是渲染同一个宗旨那就是释放欲望,歌词在形容享乐喝酒与美人。而舞蹈中有花魁步,给人的感觉就是一种享乐主义, 而虚拟歌姬在跳舞的时候,灯光是比较暗的,给人一种夜店酒吧的感觉,让人有种欲罢不能的向往,再接着就是虚拟歌姬在跳舞时有着一些若隐若现的内衣漏出给人以无限的遐想。所以这个舞蹈会风靡一时也是可以理解的!

原本只是虚拟歌姬跳舞自然是没有什么问题,但是随着这个舞蹈的走红,网上有很多网红争相的模仿,虚拟歌姬跳舞就是性感,但是如果上升到真人以后,性感就会有所改变了!之前有三个日本的女生穿着cos服装, 打扮成初音等其他歌姬的样子跳舞,因为衣着暴露 ,而且模仿舞蹈的动作也是比较大胆,在加上歌词中不存在正能量, 很容易让人沉迷其中,也容易误导青少年,所以网络上的很多视频都被删除了,而且上传也必须要经过审核!





跪求一首DJ歌曲 开头是 one two three four污no no dei 瑞扣瑞扣one come on

首先这首歌本来就是描述3P的 这些东西在欧美比较开放 这首歌是唱给成人的 也允许了在电脑播放

她的声誉也没有被毁 歌词虽然露骨了点但也没有说出脏话什么的 这首歌刚出来特别受欢迎 首周空降美国冠军 前十貌似保持了11周

最后一个问题是人家私事。。哪个明星3P了还要跟媒体讲的。。不过她心理正常 怎么会去做那种东西





不污。lovemelikeyoudo这首歌不污,《Love Me Like You Do》是英国女歌手埃利·古尔丁演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的歌词和曲谱由马克斯·马丁、萨万·科特查、伊利亚·萨尔曼扎德、阿里·帕亚米和托芙·罗编写,由马克斯·马丁和阿里·帕亚米制作。


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