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网友发布 2023-07-24 07:55 · 头闻号游戏应用

stay- miley cyrus

well it's good to hear your voice 听到你的声音,真好 i hope you're doing fine 我希望此刻你一切安好 and if you ever wonder 你是否曾好奇我现在如何 i'm lonely here tonight 我想告诉你我十分的孤单 lost here in this moment 此刻我失去了这里 time keeps slipping by 时光荏苒 if i could have just one wish 如果我只能使一个愿望成真 i'd have you by my side 那就是你能陪伴在我身边 oooohh i miss you 我想念着你 oooohh i need you 我需要你 and i love you more than i did before 亲爱的,我比以前更爱你了 and if today i don't see your face 是否今天我依然无法与你相见 nothing's changed, no one can take your place 一切如往常一样,没有人能代替你在我心中的位置 it gets harder everyday 这样的每天过得越来越艰难 say you love me more than you did before 请告诉我你比以前更爱我了 and i'm sorry it's this way 对于现在所发生的一切,我感到十分抱歉 but i'm coming home, i'll be coming home 可是我就要回家了,我就要到家了 and if you ask me i will stay, i will stay 只要你让我留下,我便会为你而停留 well i tried to live without you 我试着融入没有你的生活 but tears fall from my eyes 但留下的眼泪证明 i'm alone and i feel empty 这样的日子如此孤单与空虚 i'm torn apart inside 心中的某部分就如同被撕裂般痛楚 i look up at the starts 我回望我们的开始 hoping you are doing the same 期望着你也在做一样的事情 and somehow i feel closer 如此一来我便能感觉到更多关怀 and i can hear you say 能够听见你说 oooohh i miss you 我想念你 oooohh i need you 我需要你 and i love you more than i did before 亲爱的,我比以前更爱你了 and if today i don't see your face 是否今天我依然无法与你相见 nothing's changed, no one can take your place 一切如往常一样,没有人能代替你在我心中的位置 it gets harder everyday 这样的每天过得越来越艰难 say you love me more than you did before 请告诉我你比以前更爱我了 and i'm sorry it's this way 对于现在所发生的一切,我感到十分抱歉 but i'm coming home, i'll be coming home 可是我就要回家了,我就要到家了 and if you ask me i will stay, i will stay 只要你让我留下,我便会为你而停留 i never wanna lose you 我从未想要失去你 and if i had to i would choose you 如果失去你是必然,我还是想要你 so stay, please always stay 所以请别离开,请永远停留于此 you're the one that i hold on to 你是我想拥有的唯一 my heart would stop without you 没有你,我的心将从此停止跳动 and i love you more than i did before 亲爱的,我比以前更爱你了 and if today i don't see your face 是否今天我依然无法与你相见 nothing's changed, no one can take your place 一切如往常一样,没有人能代替你在我心中的位置 it gets harder everyday 这样的每天过得越来越艰难 say you love me more than you did before 请告诉我你比以前更爱我了 and i'm sorry it's this way 对于现在所发生的一切,我感到十分抱歉 but i'm coming home, i'll be coming home 可是我就要回家了,我就要到家了 and if you ask me i will stay, i will stay 只要你让我留下,我便会为你而停留


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